Contra Costa Medical Career College Online continuing education courses for healtcare professionals

Our online Phlebotomy continuing education program is fully approved and accredited by the California Department of Public Health-Laboratory Field Services.

Phlebotomy Technician

Advanced Infectious Disease Control and Bio-hazards

Cost of course : $29.99

CEUs earned upon successful completion : 2


This course will cover infection control and hazard control procedures necessary for the healthcare worker. Topics include microbiology, practical infection control, sterilization and monitoring, chemical disinfectants, aseptic technique, infectious diseases, OSHA standards, and applicable laws. Upon completion, students should be able to: understand infectious diseases, disease transmission, infection control procedures, biohazard management, OSHA standards, and applicable laws.

Upon successful completion of this course you will earn 2 Continuing Education Units.

You will be able to print your certificate immediately upon completion. The cost of this CDPH-LFS accredited course is $29.99.


  • Define the term nosocomial infection
  • Identify steps to avoid the transmission of Blood- borne pathogens
  • Identify and discuss the modes of transmission for infectious diseases and the methods for prevention.
  • Identify the Infectious Diseases of Most Concern for Phlebotomists
  • Discuss Vaccinations required for Healthcare Workers and the Diseases they help Prevent
  • Identify the potential routes of infection and methods for preventing transmission of microorganisms through these routes
  • List the personal protective equipment required for phlebotomists.
  • Identify the proper techniques for gowning, gloving, masking, double bagging, and entering and exiting the various isolation areas.
  • Describe the various isolations procedures and reasons for their use.
  • List the components of the chain of infection and the safety precautions that break the chain.
  • Identify and properly label Bio-hazardous specimens.
  • Discuss key points of the Blood borne Pathogens Standard, including changes required by the Needle stick Safety and Prevention Act.
  • List other inpatient informational signage.

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